CUPP 2023 Poster

This poster, presented at the Columbia University Pathways Programs (CUPP) Symposium in July 2023, details spatio-temporal analyses of Yelp data processed by the Columbia University Foodborne NYC System between 2012 and 2021 and association with inflation-adjusted median household income. 

See the poster & supplemental materials below.


Logistic Regression Classifier-Based Indications of Foodborne Illness from Yelp Reviews: Exploring Temporal Variation and Socioeconomic Context (2012 - 2021)


Supplemental Materials

Bivariate Correlation: Inflation-Adjusted Median Household Income & Mean Classification Score for Reviews Scored ≥ 0.5 by Columbia Foodborne NYC System, 2012 - 2021

Number of Yelp Reviews Classified ≥ 0.5 by Columbia Foodborne NYC System, 2012 - 2021

Geocoded Yelp Reviews Scored ≥ 0.5 by the Columbia Foodborbe NYC System and Inflation-Adjusted Median Household Income (USD) in NYC: Univariate & Bivariate Maps (2012 - 2021)